Electrically Pain-less… For the rider, horse, and dog

Equiscope therapy is a painless, non-invasive practice, and is proven to increase healing over traditional medicine. Always a calming experience, delivering results in as little as three sessions.

The Electro-Equicope is a highly advanced FDA registered, grade 2 medical device, that deciphers abnormal tissue responses. It’s a bio-intelligent, impedance-based, neural response technology, that senses, and corrects for impedance, via micro/pico current. An electrical current is administered through the skin and adapts appropriately to what the tissues need. This works to normalize the amplitude of damaged/abnormal tissue, thus allowing the body to return to homeostasis. The mechanism of this two-way action is called “the biofeedback” system. This is the action that strengthens the body’s ability to store energy, which is how your body naturally heals itself. 

In simpler terms, it works to deposit the correct charge, increase circulation, decrease inflammation and increase ATP per individual cell. This results in dramatically speeding up healing, detoxifying the body, and improving performance. 

The Biofeedback system is mutual electrical excitation of the patient and the Equiscope. In order for there to be a neural response, the threshold of the action potential of each cell must be met either electrically, or chemically, to have an impulse. The Equiscope uses electrical pico current (1 trillionth of an amp) to meet the proper threshold for that cell, which is what deposits the charge to the cell. Which then enhances cellular function, and starts the process of healing the tissue. The reason the Equiscope can help such an array of things is that it works to improve and enable the body’s neurogenerative, auto-corrective mechanism. 

Check out this informative cartoon, an explanation from an Integrative Medicine MD.

Also, don’t miss these testimonials and what Mulling Racing Stables has to say.

Common Equiscope Applications: Human

Pain and sports injuries:

  • Joint and ligament injuries

  • Acute sprains and strains

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Muscle and facial pain

  • Broken bones

  • Burns

  • Open wounds

Chronic Pain Support:

  • Disc Injuries

  • Arthritis and Bursitis

  • Neuropathy and Neuralgia

  • Sciatica

  • TMJ pain and dysfunction

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Pre & Post Operation healing and pain management

Wellness & Detoxification:

  • Inflammation and swelling

  • Metal Retrieval

  • Lymphatic Support

Brain & Sleep:

  • Headaches and Migraines

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

  • Sleep Disorders

  • Circulation


  • Fine lines

  • Acne

  • Keloid Scars

Common Equiscope Applications: Equine, Canine, Bovine, Etc.

Includes but is not limited to:

  • Abscesses

  • Allergic reactions; fly bites, environment

  • Bone Spurs

  • Bruises

  • Buck Shins

  • Bowed Tendons

  • Infection

  • Calcification

  • Cellulitis

  • Colic

  • Cushing’s

  • Eyes, Eye ulcers

  • EPM

  • Fertility: cryptorchid, sperm count, ovulation

  • Focus for training

  • Founder

  • Fractures

  • Joints: hocks, stifles, sesamoids, coffin, sacroiliac (SI), TMJ

  • Kissing Spine

  • Laminitis

  • Ligaments/Tendons: tears, strains, bows, tightening

  • Lungs: bleeders

  • Lymphatic system

  • Muscles: strains, tears, soreness

  • Navicular

  • Neurological disorders

  • Nerve Damage

  • Patella fixation

  • Performance Enhancement

  • Ring Bone

  • Scar Tissue

  • Stress relief, relaxation

  • Strides: lengthen and strengthen

  • Stringhalt

  • Surgery Recovery

  • Wind Puffs

  • Wounds: severe cuts, lacerations, punctures

Osteopathy and Electro-Equiscope:

As osteopaths, we work to restore mobility to the WHOLE body (parietal system, visceral and craniosacral system) to increase blood flow and bring the nervous system into homeostasis via manual therapy. All the while finding and addressing the root cause of the immobility. While many of these root causes can be addressed through osteopathy practices, some cannot. This is where the Equiscope comes into play.

Find it, fix it, and leave it alone.

That’s what we are taught in osteopathy school. While that is TRUE, there are some things the body could use help with. Sometimes osteopathy isn’t enough, sometimes the body needs help to achieve this homeostasis. For example, in injuries, with osteopathy we increase vascularity and mobility and decrease pain information in the nervous system area, but why not take this a step further?

We are all a layering system of different pathologies and compensations. Each human and animal is unique in its own layering system.  We have all had different traumas, diseases, and internal struggles which create their own unique effects on the body.  This is why protocols in my opinion are not as effective as looking at each individual separately with its own unique needs for optimal health and performance from a therapeutic and medical outlook.  

Both Osteopathy and Equiscope work directly through the nervous system to help restore and enable the body’s own ability to return to homeostasis. Used together one can help with what the other cannot! But also brought together they can greatly enhance one another. 

A few examples would be:

  • Post osteopathy equilibrium restoration (decrease in days needed off after an osteopathy session)

  • Cranial Nerve Hyper and Hypo Sensitivity in conjunction with manual cranial nerve therapy

  • Optimizing kissing spine mobilizations

  • Detoxification after visceral manipulation

  • Hormonal Balance

  • Chronic pain in general

  • Meniscal problems

  • Phrenic Nerve pain

  • An overall decrease in Sympathetic Base Activity (improved Neurovegetative homeostasis)

  • Decreasing pain in injuries causing compensations throughout the rest of the body

And many more…..

Osteopathy, Equiscope, and Veterinary care: The Whole Horse Approach

One cannot replace the other. If you want to achieve optimal performance and healing, all three practices together are beneficial. The smallest restrictions can cause the biggest problems. In today’s performance world every inch of stride length, soft and quick response, and overall happiness of your horse matters. If you aren’t analyzing the whole horse, it could be what is keeping you from the winner’s circle.  Contact us for details for us to help you determine your horse’s specific needs.


Gut Health: Not just a supplement!