Common Issues & Complaints: The smallest restrictions cause the biggest problems (cont…)

I addressed the most common issues (bold) briefly in my last blog, but really wanted to break these down. I find these issues are often stemming from an internal or structural issue that I am able to address.

Cranio-Sacral & Cranial Nerve issues & complaints:

  • Head sensitivity

  • Head flipping or shaking

  • Poll Sensitivity

  • Ear Sensitivity

  • Salivation stimulations (under or over) issues

  • Vision problems

  • Lack of Smell

  • Evading bit

Musculo-Skeletal issues & complaints:

  • Lead trouble

  • Crossfiring (lead swapping)

  • Not picking up leads (Unilateral lead resistance)

  • Stiffness in the spine or neck (or both)

  • Weak hind end

  • Trouble collecting (either rounding the spine or extending)

  • Avoiding contact or being heavy on one rein

  • Trouble crossing over in front or hind end

  • Resistance to back up

  • Box issues 

  • “Chargyness”

  • Gate issues

  • Bucking

  • Being “off” 

  • Stiff or trouble making a turn or cutting a cow

  • Tripping

  • Tail Swishing

Internal issues (congestion or restrictions):

  • Recurring lumbar-sacral issues

  • Intense or absent heat cycles

  • Lack of abduction in hindlimb

  • Thyroid & Hormonal Imbalances

  • Hind limb swelling or “stocking up”

  • “Grumpy” or “Spooky” 

  • Right shoulder stiffness or lameness

  • Swelling over ovaries

  • Cinchyness 

  • General hind end weakness (especially in geldings with restrictions at the inguinal ring- gelding scars)

  • Tying up often

  • “Dropping out” in the hind end

  • Anxious and/or nervous 

These are all things that I am able to help with as an Equine Osteopath, or at least help find the root cause to reach the conclusion of “why.” Sometimes I find it’s stemming from an internal or structural issue that I am able to address. Other times it’s external to Osteopathy, such as a joint, pathology, or underlying disease that needs to be addressed by a Vet. Quite often I find dental or farrier related imbalances that need to be addressed to re-establish biomechanical harmony and balance in the body!


Pelvic Room Mobilizations Explained


Common Issues & Complaints: The smallest restrictions cause the biggest problems.