Restoring mobility and function of the whole body.

A holistic approach to understand the problem and its root cause.


Osteopathy is used to restore mobility throughout the WHOLE body to create optimal vitality and performance and search for the root cause of the issue. The body functions at its best when there is motion in all parts. The smallest immobilities cause the biggest issues. Osteopathy is based on a theory that diseases are due to loss of structural and visceral integrity, that can be restored by manipulation.

What is Osteopathy?

Equine Osteopathy is a manual therapy that aims to improve the mobility and function of the horse’s skeleton, muscles, ligaments, joints, fascia, and organs. It is a holistic approach involving an understanding of the problem and its root causes. The origins of equine osteopathy are derived from the same osteopathic techniques used to treat a human. Osteopathy holistically focuses on the parietal system, visceral system, and craniosacral system.


Why is Osteopathy important?

Osteopathy is a tried and tested therapy that can be implemented independently or alongside veterinary medicine to not only treat lameness in horses but also behavioral issues and various diseases. Osteopathy has been around for more than 100 years but surprisingly, many people still don’t know much about it. It is similar to chiropractic in that we manipulate the muscles and joints, but Osteopathy also considers the organs and the connections between the skull and pelvis (the craniosacral system).


Who can benefit from Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is based on human treatment but can be geared toward any animal. Osteopathy is a tried and tested therapy used most commonly to treat both horses and dogs alike. Because of the holistic integrated approach, osteopathy can provide benefits for a wide range of symptoms. It is most commonly used to restore mobility throughout the entire body but can focus on specific symptoms as well.

“As osteopaths, we search for the root cause of immobility to achieve optimal health and vitality. The body has its own brilliant neurovegitative system in place, we just have to enable it!”

— Jordan Payne, EDO


Contact us to book!


(740) 507-6396